Thursday, August 26, 2010

Performance Training

Athletes who do not refuel and rehydrate during and after activities will not have the optimal level of energy to play at the same intensity the next day

-To help the recovery process, athletes should eat a high carb snack within 30 minutes after practice or competition and a healthy meal two hours later

-Carbs are the most efficient source of energy for muscles and they should make up approx. 60% of an athletes diet

-Sports drinks are an ideal way for athletes to rehydrate during and after exercise

Dehydration can impact your safety,mental & physical performance, recovery, and increase risk for injury
-Drink throughout the day
-Muscle Cramping
-Inadequate fluids
-Inadequate sodium(salt)
-Inadequate levels of other electrolytes
-Appropriate Competition Nutrition
-Meal should be 3-5 hours before game
-Plenty of carbs, some protein, only little fat
-At least 1 fruit or veggie
-Add salt, pick salty foods
-Lots of fluids, no caffeine
-Finish Strong
-Hydrate & crab up at half time or during breaks
-Include Fluids:Gatorade,water
-Carbs:Gatorade,fruit,honey,gummy fruit snacks,graham snacks,pieces of sports bar

-Recovery Foods

-Sports drinks

-Granola, energy or breakfast bars

-Bagels w/ peanut butter

-Sub sandwichs

-Crackers & cheese


-Fresh fruit, apples, bananas, oranges, grapes

-Chocolate milk

-Animal crackers

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